1. Cover Letter 有幫助嗎?
這問題簡言之,「水能載舟、亦能覆舟」- 寫不好反而扣分。千萬別讓 Cover Letter 打壞一開始求職的第一印象。
- 透過 Email 直接寫信給 Recruiter (常見情境:直接投遞履歷給招募負責人或是於網站投遞後想寫 Follow up Email 了解進度時),建議將 Email 內文視為 Cover Letter 來撰寫,目的就是要讓對方更快認識你的亮點並點開你的履歷!
- 請該公司員工內推時,將 Cover Letter 直接寫於Email並附上簡歷,請先預想通常幫你推薦的朋友會直接轉信給HR,同時也讓推薦人更好的介紹你!
- 使用外部人才平台 (如人力銀行),別使用系統模板,將 Cover Letter 寫於自我推薦信欄位中,增加自己的差異化!
2. Cover Letter 目的?
- 展現對職位的高度興趣
- 說明申請動機和為什麼適合 (凸顯競爭優勢)
- 證明英文寫作能力
撰寫前,請詳細了解該職位內容與要求,圈出關鍵字;同時至公司網站了解公司提及的價值與文化,同時找出關鍵字 --> 你所圈出的關鍵字即為此職位所需具備的特質與經驗,
接著,從自己的經歷和特點,找出能互相呼應的關聯性,歸結出 2-3 個最大的閃光點,並用兩三句話加以補充說明。
3. Cover Letter 篇幅?
寫於 Email 內文中的建議300字左右即可,精簡扼要,並善用粗體標註亮點。
近年來,LinkedIn 也更加被廣為運用,若求職者是透過 LinkedIn Message or InMail 寄信給 HR,建議200字左右即可,篇幅過長,於對話視窗中閱讀反而容易失焦。 (Note: 對話框裡無法標記粗體,請記得分段排版,以便閱讀)
4. Cover Letter 如何寫?
- 第一段:Introduction - 說明來信目的、申請的完整職缺 (包含地點或職位編號 (若有的話))
- 第二段:Why You Are A Good Fit for this Role - 說明自己的差異化、為什麼很適合這份工作
- 第三段:Closing - 表達對職缺的熱忱、期待收到消息與進度
範例 (模板 — 僅供參考)
Greeting from ______, I am writing to express my enthusiasm for the position of ___________ (No. XXXX), which I’ve applied via your career website on XXXXX and kindly hope to follow up the application status from you.
With XXX years of XXX related experience, currently I am ____________ (Title at which company), taking over ____________ (brief work scope). I believe that I am a qualified candidate by having demonstrated the below key attributes:
- Strong leadership and ownership, _______________________________.
- Learning agility and growth mindset, ____________________________.
(Just list 3 for reference, please practice summarizing for yours and describe your experience in 1–2 sentences.)
Please refer to more details in my cover letter and resume attached.
Sincerely hope to have the opportunity to discuss with you in person for how I could devote my professionals and passion in _________ (position) for ______ (company) and please feel free to reach out to me via my phone (XXXXXXXX) or the email.
Thank you in advance for your reading and I truly look forward to hearing from you for the hiring status update soon. Thanks a lot for your time!