【求職戰力】關於 Behavioral Interview (行為面試法)

Julie Wu
5 min readMay 16, 2021


準備 Behavioral-based Interview 已是求職時的基本功,必考題準備越完善將是求職者的一大利器!


(一)關於 Behavioral Questions 有哪些基本必考題?


針對問題(一)相信大家關鍵字 “Behavioral Interview Questions” 搜尋,一定可以馬上搜出多篇問題集文章,有TOP10, 20, 30, 40.. questions。

以下為歸類為五大群題組及例題 (精簡版):

(1) Problem Solving

  • Describe a time you used your problem-solving skills to benefit a team or company.
  • Describe a time when you took the initiative to solve the issues.
  • Describe a time you used creativity to overcome a difficulty.
  • Describe a time you managed conflicting situations.

(2) Leadership

  • Describe a time you showed your leadership to influence people.
  • Describe a time when you were able to motivate unmotivated team members.
  • Describe a time when you set a goal and how to achieve it.

(3) Working on a Team

  • Describe a time you disagreed with someone.
  • Describe a time you had to persuade someone.
  • Describe a time you worked with a difficult person.
  • Describe a time you were successful on a team.

(4) Largest Failures or Success

  • Describe a time you failed or made a mistake.
  • Describe a time you didn’t meet others’ expectations.
  • Describe a largest accomplishment you achieved and you were recognized.

(5) Personal Stress

  • Describe a time you handled the pressure well and how.
  • Describe your most challenging project and how to overcome it.
  • Describe a time you encountered unexpected changes / dilemma.
  • Describe a time you had to manage conflicting priorities.


(1) 歸納問題集 (找對方向) (2) 整理經典故事 (展開行動)


第一步,先將你欲投遞的職缺及職務介紹 (JD) 貼在 Excel,標出職能關鍵字!

第二步,歸納Behavioral questions,如上方五大主題,也就是朝這五大面向去各準備一個可以涵蓋底下幾個經典例題的亮點經歷!(時空背景人事時地物、來龍去脈越詳盡越好)

舉例來說,解決問題 (problem-solving)的經歷,可以是你運用創意主動去解決問題 — 意見衝突狀況如何解決、最後為團隊帶來的效益為何
→ 如此一來一個故事便可以適用於上方problem solving問題群的全部四個問題了。(此為最高效地準備方式!)


最後的溫馨提醒,關於結構式的陳述故事 (運用所謂STAR or CAR model) 以展現邏輯,這邊就不再多述囉!


(1) What LEARNINGS you’ve got from that experience?

(2) If you have the second time, HOW will you do?

在分享故事時也可以自己先補充,也是很加分的哦,特別是Failures Part,不用等到面試官follow up問題。

希望看完文章的你,對於準備Behavirol Questions有了方向有了信心,接著更重要的是 "Do it now & make your goal happen!"

最後的最後,給予在求職準備面試且有緣看完此文章的人,最誠摯的鼓勵與祝福!若本文章對你有所幫助,歡迎按下掌聲10–100 :)

掌聲破百後,預計來分享關於 What’s your salary expectation? 的問題如何漂亮解答!



Julie Wu

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